Hello, I'm back. The title does have a meaning. As we all know, Jared was a massive conspiracy theorist, who was always into secret agents and the like. Well, The Unofficial AIO Blog has released his new fan fiction story: "Jason & Mitch: Secret Agents". The first installment involves Mitch, Jason, Agent Bourland, (It's been a while, hasn't it?), and a sinking boat. It is amazing, so go check it out. The link is http://unofficialaioblog.blogspot.com/p/jason-and-mitch-secret-agents.html Also, the second installment has just been released, and in it we meet a very interesting villain. Let me say, this certain villain is one of my favorites ever, so now I am very intrigued. Also, speaking of "Jason & Mitch:Secret Agents", Alex Jefferson from Just Another AIO Blog has released his review of it. If you want to read the review, here is the link: http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/aio-article-jason-and-mitch-secret.html
Also, I would like to say something about Simon really quickly. He will be used in moderation. He might do a few Courtroom cases, and he will help me review episodes of Adventures in Odyssey. After all, his kids are on the show. But, when and if we talk, it will be done in script format. Just so you know, Simon will not be replacing me. (I know when you read that all of you said, "Man! I thought he was gone!". No, you're stuck with me.)

On to the next news. Apparently yesterday, the Adventures in Odyssey team released the cover of a new devotional book on its Facebook page. The book plans to be released in the fall. Two devotional books in one season. Hey, I like it, and I'll probably get both. I've showed you before. Currently Adventures in Odyssey only has one devotional book, and Dylan and Sherman are on its cover. So you know how long its been since there's been a new devotional book. Anyway, here's the cover:
The book is titled "Whit's End Mealtime Moments" and is written by John Avery Whittaker. Now, you'd think the Odyssey staff would have thought about writing a book from an Odyssey character's perspective before. I know they did it with Passages, but devotions, they haven't. This format is much better. Here is a narrator telling the story:

"After talking to Connie at Whit's End, Matthew went and apologized to Camilla."

Here is an Odyssey character telling the story:

"I was walking out to the counter when I heard Connie in the middle of a deep talk with Matthew. She was telling him why it was wrong to do what he did to Camilla and why he should apologize. It was truly heartwarming. Connie has truly matured in her Christian life over the years. The next day, I ran into Eva, who told me that Matthew had reconciled with Camilla, and everything was fine." 

One more thing, the only summary we have is that the book will contain "faith-building ideas your kids will eat up!" Ah, yes. I love corny Odyssey humor.
Well, on July 9, a new Adventures in Odyssey fan podcast was started. It's called the "World Famous Odyssey Podcast", or WOD-FAM-OD-POD. It is run by Ryan Matlock and Christopher Thompson. In Episode 1, Ryan gives the AIO news, and an anchorman named Joshua tells a random story. Not just random. LONG and random. Then podcast host Christopher Thompson talks about his dreams for the podcast. Also, the podcast did a unique job of giving us an inside look at Odyssey through the eyes of a boy named Tommy. The podcast is on iTunes, so big bonus for me. The link to the website is http://wodfamodpod.posterous.com/ . There was an update on The Adventures in Odyssey Blog about this, and Austin Peachey said it rivals The Ceiling Fan. However, I have never heard the Ceiling Fan. I was expecting something like the Boredom Buster Podcast, the Adventures in Odyssey BlogCast, or the Official Podcast. No. What I heard was unique. Not bad, UNIQUE. VERY unique. 

Speaking of The Ceiling Fan, Garrett Vandenburg has given us a teaser of the new Ceiling Fan episode that is supposed to come out. He also said it would come out SOON. About the episode, though. Garrett said it would be a special, but that's all I know about it. Maybe this teaser will reveal something.

 Let me talk about Campbell County for a while. As you all know, (Yeah, all two of you that read this, if that.), the Campbell County Message Boards restarted after roughly a month's dormancy. However, there was no activity on it. A couple posts here and there. Me, CreativeThinker101, Bren, that was it. Then we got HannahJ. She helped a little bit, but one person can only do so much. I honestly thought Campbell County would shut down again, until this weekend. Then we got a user named "mymustang12". She put out an urgent cry for help on the Soda Shop, and people responded. The place still doesn't have that much activity, but it's picked up a lot. Thank you so very much, mymustang12.

But the news for Campbell County is: elections for county commissioner are back! The 9th CC Election is currently in process. So far, only CreativeThinker101 and mymustang12 are on the ballot. Basically, county commissioner is an administrator. The term lasts for three months. To be on the ballot, you have to have 500 seashells, the currency of Campbell County. So if any CC members want to run, or anybody wants to join, go ahead. The link is http://www.campbellcountymb.com/ . One more thing, I don't know if he wants me to say this, but pray for Bren. He's currently in the search of a job, so just add him to your prayer list if you could. He means a lot to the Adventures in Odyssey fan community. Also, if you're on The Soda Shop or Campbell County, tell him you're praying for him. I know from experience that one little comment or piece of encouragement can change someone's disposition entirely. 

Okay, I don't always post about other sites, but this is different. Suzylou, one of my two readers, has her own blog where she posts her phtography, and she's really good, so go and check that out. However, if there's any of you All-American Manly Men out there, I'm warning you, it's pink, flowery, and girly. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! But, she put my link on her site, so thank you very much Suzylou. I'm just some Odyssey website that nobody knows about and only two people read, so I need all the help I can get. The link to her site is http://www.suesuesstories.blogspot.com/ .

One more thing: Expect the next Courtroom case next week. I know it's been a long time, but I truly have been busy. I will get back to it. And, hey, you always have the other Courtrooms. Simon will do one hopefully before the month's out, but that's still in the planning stages. It might not come to fruition. Oh, well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                  ---The Old Judge

Hello, again. I'm back, with some very interesting news today. First of all, I'm very disappointed that The Boredom Buster Podcast Episode 8 has not come out yet. I contacted Noah and Hallie about when it would come out, but they haven't answered me back, and Noah hasn't been on The Soda Shop, either. Oh, well. Okay, I guess I'd better get to the big news.

***Excuse me, Mister Judge? Yes, what is it, Simon? It's the Curtis case, sir, the jury wants an answer RIGHT NOW. Okay, thanks a lot, Simon, I'd better get down there. Could you do me a favor? Of course, sir, what is it? Watch my room for me. If anybody calls just take a message for me. Yes, sir. Thank you so much, Simon, I owe you one.***

***Hmm.... What is this? The Old Judge has a website? Twists and Turns.....exciting and indepth look.....blog....interesting news today....Ooh, he has notes on his desk. I don't think he'd mind. That's a good idea.***

Hello, everybody, I'm Simon Jones. I am an associate of The Old Judge. We both work at The Campbell County Courthouse. I've worked here for seven years, but I have no idea how long the Judge has worked here. Seriously, I've been very good friends with him for several years, and I have no idea what his name is. I don't know if he has a name. Okay, back to me. I have a wonderful wife of sixteen years named Dorothy, and two wonderful kids, Barrett and Emily.
Apparently Alex Jefferson from Just Another AIO Blog has begun something similar to the Avery Awards called "AIO Websters". Now, could somebody please explain to me what "AIO" means. Oh, well. Here are the nominees.

Best Website Nominees (Apparently these pertain only to the active websites, with no blogs.)
1).The Odyssey Scoop
2).Twists and Turns
3).The AIO Update
4).The Changing Times

Best Blog Nominees
1).The Unofficial AIO Blog
2).Just Another AIO Blog
3).The Voice of Odyssey 
4).Out of Control in Odyssey
5).Down Odyssey Lane
6).The AIO Fan's Life
7).The Adventures in Odyssey Blog 

Hold it. Odyssey? Not like it's weird or anything, maybe I just didn't know, but several of these sound like they talk about our town. Never mind. Back to the nominees.

Best Feature Nominees (This category includes all pages/features onwebsites or blogs.)
1).Adventures in Connellsville (Just Another AIO Blog)
2).The Imagination Station (TNT and UAIOB)
3).The U.S.S. Response (Just Another AIO Blog and UAIOB)
4).The Courtroom (TNT)
5).Odyssey Addict (The Odyssey Scoop)
6).The Adventures in Odyssey Search Engine (The AIO Blog)
7).Editorials (The AIO Update)

Best Post Nominees (This category narrows down the best posts of many AIO websites/blogs)
1).One Month Anniversary!...And I'm Celebrating With Orbs (TNT)
2).Nothing New, Nothing Old (The Voice of Odyssey)
3).Weekly Feature:7/1/12-Interview with Wooton Bassett and The Old Judge (Just Another AIO Blog)
4).The Top 5 All-Time Best AIO Blogs and Websites (The Unofficial AIO Blog)
5).Celebrating 10 Years Since Novacom (The Changing Times)

Best Podcast Nominees
1).The Boredom Buster Podcast
2).The Whit's End Podcast (WHAT?!!)
3).The Ceiling Fan Podcast 
4).Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast
5).The AIO BlogCast
6).The Odyssey ScoopCast

Best Podcast Episode Nominees (The Podcast Episode category will choose the best episode out of all the notable recent ones)
1).BBP Interview with David Griffin Parts 1-4
2).AIO BlogCast Sibling Spies Audio Drama
3).The Ceiling Fan Podcast: "To Survive and Protect"
4).The Odyssey ScoopCast Interview with Kimmy Robertson Parts 1-4

Best Message Board Nominees
1).The Town of Odyssey
2).Campbell County ***What is the Old Judge doing?***
3).The Soda Shop Message Boards
4).Exclusive AIO Forum

Best New Site/Podcast/Blog Nominees
1).Just Another AIO Blog
2).Twists and Turns
3).The Unofficial AIO Blog
4).The Boredom Buster Podcast
5).Down Odyssey Lane
6).Out of Control in Odyssey
7).Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast

You can vote for the nominees by contacting Alex Jefferson at The Soda Shop Message Boards or email him at [email protected] . The winners will be announced at the end of August.

Alex Jefferson has released his third installment of Adventures in Connellsville. Okay, I'm not going to lie. I have no idea what's going on. A website called Campbell County, something referencing Connellsville, I don't know. Maybe The Old Judge will explain it to me later. Anyway, according to the Judge's notes, this installment involves a hockey mask, a detective, tambourines, maracas, and ....the Mulligans? OH! They're those people between Odenton and Odyssey that own the zoo. Both The Old Judge and myself have held court cases with them. You can check that out at http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/p/adventures-in-connellsville.html . Also, Alex has released a new U.S.S. Response, so go check that out.

Apparently, there is a brother and sister named Josh and Ally Ko who run an Odyssey blog called "Out of Control in Odyssey". Well, according to the Judge's notes, they have relased a review of "Family Portraits 01:Whit's Visitor". Also, in his notes, the Judge says that the reviews are divided into something called, "The Odyssey Times" (That's our newspaper.), that covers interesting facts about each episode, and the review itself. The link is http://odysseyoutofcontrol.blogspot.com/2012/07/fp-1-whits-visitor.html .

***Simon, I'm back. Did anybody call? No, sir. Thank you very much. My pleasure, sir. Oh, next time we meet I have some questions to ask you. Okay. Goodbye, Simon.***

***Hmm, I wonder what that was about. Well, time to get to TNT. Oh, look at that. Simon messed with my computer. Wow. He did good. I'm getting an idea.....***

Okay, I'm back. Just some miscellaneous news. "Cast & Crew: Take 2" will be up in a couple of weeks. And you can see part of the logo already up. It will be a cast and crew page, but for fans such as Jacob Isom, Brendon McFarlane, Austin Peachey, and others who are great assets to the Adventures in Odyssey online fan community. Also, I think Simon did good. Normally I don't ask you to comment, but if you could give me your opinions on Simon, that would be greatly appreciated. And don't forget to vote on AIO Websters. That's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                              ---The Old Judge
Well, I'm back, and I wasn't even missed. But, nevertheless, I will continue to diligently report the news.
First off, Episode 151 of The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast has been released. This episode is a video podcast, and the summary of the episode is, "Join Bob and Jesse as they reminesce about the Birthday Bash in Dallas and present an upbeat Get in the Show feature." So people who couldn't make it to the Birthday Bash, like myself, can hear about it.

Quick piece of news before I move on to larger pieces of news. The episode from Album 56 that I mentioned a couple posts back that would be entitled "Push the Red Button" is actually a shortened version of the live show at the Birthday Bash. However, this version of the episode was recorded in the studio in California. But I'm happy listening to it, whether shortened or not.
Now, also a while back I posted that Adventures in Odyssey 24/7 was back up and running. Sadly, on the Adventures in Odyssey Update, David Hilder, through AIO Twitter, found out that, yes, sadly, it is shutting down. The reason it is still playing is they haven't taken all the episodes off. However, it will be completely non-functional soon.

According to The Odyssey Scoop, Adventures in Odyssey is making it's way back to iTunes this fall. Album 56: The Grand Design is supposedly being released on iTunes in August. I must admit, that is a very tempting offer, and I might buy some Album 56 episodes myself. 

While we're talking about The Odyssey Scoop, yesterday they released their brand new navigation system. All the old clutter on the top of the home page has been cleaned up and organized in a nice, orderly, and really amazing fashion. If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out right now.

And the repack program continues! As you can see, Album 13: It All Started When... is being repackaged in an all new look. I love the bright new red background. All of the repacks have brighter colors, which I find very enjoyable.

Anyway, Me 4 the King continues. The way HannahJ changed her blog to become somewhat of an Adventures in Odyssey blog is awesome. She continues the interviews with NarniaQA Guy, one of the members of the Soda Shop Message Boards. She also references my website on one of her posts. Her other posts are good, too, so read them as well. But, yesterday, she posted some REALLY big news. She's hosting an interview with Kimmy Robertson, the voice of Penny Wise. She needs help with questions for the interview, so if you're on the Soda Shop you can submit your questions there, or you can leave the questions on her blog. Just follow this link: http://me4theking.blogspot.com/2012/07/i-need-your-help.html .

Just Another AIO Blog is up and running as always, so lots of new stuff there. Two new articles are up: The 'New' Children of Odyssey and The Art of Odyssey, besides the normal pieces of news. The main piece of news for this site is "The U.S.S. Response". The U.S.S. Response stands for "The Unofficial Soda Shop Response". Alex Jefferson will take certain comments that may or may not be controversial and review them, all the time sounding like a communications operator on a ship. Check out the U.S.S. Response at http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/p/uss-response.html

The Unofficial AIO Blog is up and running again with lotsof different pieces of news, but there are two interesting articles on there that stuck out to me. One is "The Top 5 All-Time Best AIO Blogs and Websites". It was a very good article, so you have got to check it out. But that doesn't compare to yesterday's article. Wooton Bassett has a preview of Installment 3 of Adventures in Connellsville, and there are at least two more beloved Adventures in Odyssey characters in this installment. You can check it out at this link: http://unofficialaioblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/adventures-in-connelsville-preview.html . One more thing: Wooton Bassett also has a U.S.S. Response page. The only difference is he uses different comments. Let me get off topic for a little bit. Adventures in Odyssey fan sites have begun to unite in some aspects, such as The Imagination Station or The U.S.S. Response. I just think it's very good. Once upon a time there was the Odyssey Blogging Committee, (That's a story for another time.), but they never really teamed up like Just Another AIO Blog, The Unofficial AIO Blog, and Twists and Turns have teamed up.

Well, Ben Warren's back with The Changing Times. In honor of the ten year anniversary of the grand finale of the Novacom Saga, Ben Warren had a nice long article showing the top ten episodes of Adventures in Odyssey in the last ten years. Ben Warren continues to impress with his indepth reviews, so you should definitely check it out. The link is

Well, Christian A. is back with his review of "Something Old, Something New", entitled "Nothing New, Nothing Old". He did a very good job with the review, and I am so glad that he's back. There was a time that I thought the Voice wouldn't continue. If you want to read his review, the link is http://thevoiceofodyssey.blogspot.com/2012/07/nothing-new-nothing-old.html

Josh and Ally from Out of Control in Odyssey have released a new, and VERY long post, entitled "The Live Show: By the Kos". It details every little tiny aspect of their trip to the Birthday Bash, and it is excellently written. They do a great job with their blog, and I always expectantly wait for more. The link is http://odysseyoutofcontrol.blogspot.com/2012/07/live-show-by-kos.html
And finally,(Man, this has been a LONG article), Abby and Mandie released Episode 5 of their podcast. I haven't listened to it yet, but I will give you my opinions on it later. The link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNajergJSC4&feature=plcp.
Well, it's good to be back, even if I haven't been missed. So, I guess that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns! 
                                                              ---The Old Judge

Well, let's see just one month and a couple of hours ago I sat down to write "Grand Opening!", the first post of my blog. It doesn't seem like a month. I had so much fun doing it. This may sound like I'm saying goodbye and shutting this down, but I'm not. However, until Friday night I will not be posting anything. Nothing, at all. End of story. But, on Friday night I will do a recap post of all that I missed. Knowing how much I ramble, that will be like an eight paragraph post. Be prepared. Until then, however, I'm going to give you something really big for my one month of existing, and posting steadily. The fact that I posted so steadily was probably the biggest shock. Okay, to the suprise.
Of course us Adventures in Odyssey fans have seen this picture. If you go to the AIO Update, David Hilder's talked about this before, and Garrett Vandenburg has referenced it several times on the Soda Shop Message Boards. However, if you read what both of those people have said, we knew nothing about this. We knew that Kevin McCreary was working on it, Garrett was making the music and theme song, and David Griffin, voice of Jimmy Barclay, is the director and star actor. However, nothing was known about the show, so I contacted Garrett. He didn't know that much, so he told me to email David Griffin. I did, and he told me a lot that I wanted to know. So, as a special suprise for you three people that read this, (See, I have grown. When I started out I only had two people reading this!), I'll tell you what David said about Edwin and the Orbs. 

But, before I do that, so you're not completely lost, Edwin & the Orbs is a new radio drama produced by, well, it's not by any company or organization, like how Adventures in Odyssey is run by Focus on the Family, but people we've known for a long time in the Odyssey world are a part of it. It won't be anything like Adventures in Odyssey, Down Gilead Lane, or The Last Chance Detectives. It's not religious programming, but it sounds awesome, and in a minute you'll find out why. If anything, it would be somewhat similar to old-time radio, with some differences. Old-time radio were adventure shows, such as The Lone Ranger, The Mist, or The Green Hornet. Some other old-time radio shows were comedies, such as Amos 'n' Andy. Edwin & the Orbs will be an adventure show, (I'll tell you the summary of it later.), but there is one big difference between it and old-time radio. Old-time radio had live sound effects, and everything was live. Edwin & the Orbs will not be. Actually, neither is Adventures in Odyssey. So, basically, Edwin & the Orbs will be nothing like any of us have ever heard. The most similar old-time radio show compared to this would have to be Orson Wells' 1939 radio adaptation of War of the Worlds. Sorry, I'm rambling again, so back to what David Griffin said.

Apparently, according to David Griffin, the release date is SUPER DUPER top secret, but he told me that he had inside information that it will be released on December 21, 2012. I asked what the format of the show would be, such as would it be single individual episodes like normal Adventures in Odyssey, or a continual format similar to Novacom. His answer was: "It will be presented in a serial format. So, yes, major epic saga." Then comes the big question that I was wondering about, and you probably are, too. "What is the show about?" David told me, "Edwin & the Orbs tells the story of a young man (Edwin) in the future who is a secret government agent tasked with trying to fix all of history's problems. However, Edwin gets stuck in time and can't get home which means other "jumpers" are sent to find him. While he's stuck in time, he still tries to fix history, but usually ends up causing most of history's problems! With his A.I. friend "Glitch" to keep him company, Edwin discovers why it's important to learn about history." Finally, I asked him if the show would be on iTunes, and he said that all delivery options are open at this time. He also told me that sometime either this week or next week he would begin writing and updating a production blog. If any of you guys want more updates, you can "like" Edwin & the Orbs on Facebook. There is one more thing. If you want to hear Edwin & the Orbs, there is a sampler. The link is http://edwinandtheorbs.com/ . Well, that was my special feature. I hope you liked it. Now back to plain old news.

First off, Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast has their own website now! Woo-Hoo! Their previous four episodes are on there, and when new episodes come out, they'll be on there, too. Yup. That's right. Episode 5 isn't up yet. So that will probably be on my "What Happened While I Was Gone" post. Also, for those of you that don't know, Abby and Mandie have done quite a few Adventures in Odyssey related videos, so all of those are on the website, too. NarniaQA Guy from the Soda Shop Message Boards did the website, and he did a wonderful job. Their website is now on my Imagination Station page, so you can check that out. The link is http://theabbyandmandieshow.webnode.com/ . Also, I have put The Best Small Town Podcast and The Heart of Adventures in Odyssey on the Imagination Station, too.

Well, Just Another AIO Blog is busy, as usual. They have a review of "The Mailman Cometh" out, and "The Top 5 Worst Odyssey Albums of All Time". As usual, Alex Jefferson is very detailed. Also, this is important if you want to know about the next Courtroom. If you follow this link, Alex has cleverly placed some hints in a fan fiction update onhis blog. It worked out really well, but I don't think anybody has noticed. http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/aio-news-7612.html Follow the link and see if you can figure out the clues.

Also, Alex Jefferson released his second installment of Adentures in Connellsville. This installment involves a rookie policeman, a guy named Hank, and a begrudged visit to Whit's End Connellsville. And as an added bonus, we hear about two different beloved Adventures in Odyssey characters. Alex continues to impress, so check it out. The link is http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/p/adventures-in-connellsville.html .

Me 4 the King is HannahJ's personal blog, though you could call it an Odyssey blog somewhat. She speaks about it frequently, and that's not a bad thing. Anyway, the logo is awesome, don't you think? This one is another Wooton Bassett original. Back to what I'm supposed to be talking about. HannahJ did a written interview with Alex Jefferson from Just Another AIO Blog. It was a very interesting interview, as Alex only interviewed himself once, but Hannah was very indepth. Questions such as "How does it feel being Alex", "What are your future plans", and "How has Adventures in Odyssey help you in your Christian faith?" She said she'll do more interviews, whether Odyssey or not, I don't care. I'll read them. She was born to do interviews. Seriously. I wasn't going to do interviews, but now it's definite. Leave the interviewing to Hannah. You guys have got to check this out. The link is http://me4theking.blogspot.com/2012/07/my-interview-with-alex-jefferson.html . Also, she added Twists and Turns as one of her links. Yay!

Well, over a month later, and Christian A. is back. It took several people asking if he was alive, but he finally posted. He said sometime this week he would post his review of "Something Old, Something New, Parts 1 & 2" sometime this week. Ugh. Something else I'm going to miss. I think another episode of the Boredom Buster Podcast will be released this week. Well, I'll post it all eventually. I hope you enjoyed my special one month post today. That's all for now, so, well, I guess you don't have to stay tuned until Friday, but anyway, I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                    ---The Old Judge

Well, in keeping with the, well, I don't know how long it's been, but it's been a long time, repack schedule, our friends at Focus on the Family have released the new and improved edition of Album 7:On Thin Ice. It should be hitting shelves soon. We don't have a definite date for when it will be released. 

Now I will talk just a little bit about the repack schedule. The Odyssey Scoop has a very detailed chart of it, which you can check out at this link: http://www.odysseyscoop.com/merchandise/repacks.htm . Anyway, the first repacks were released in 2007, and as of now we have nine repacks left to be released, ten if you count On Thin Ice. The albums left to be repackaged are: Album 9:Just in Time, Album 10: Other Times, Other Places, Album 11:It's Another Fine Day, Album 12: At Home and Abroad, Album 13: It All Started When..., Album 14: Meanwhile, In Another Part of Town, Album 26: Back On the Air, Album 38: Battle Lines, and Album 42: No Way Out. If everything goes as plans, "It's Another Fine Day..." will be released in August of 2017. 

Anyway, the new Adventures in Odyssey blog that was hastily mentioned yesterday will be examined somewhat more indepth today. It is called "Out of Control in Odyssey", and is run by a brother and sister that call themselves "The Josh and Ally Kompany".The summary for the blog is, "Odyssey Out of Control takes a humorous, modern look at the town of Odyssey, reviewing new episodes,revisiting old ones, and discovering little known facts about the town and ourselves as we go. Of course, this blog will look at the biggest question: What's the most logical way to explain the ages of all the characters without using the words 'time parodox?'" So far, I can't tell if tere's going to be a typical style of writing with their posts, but what I have seen so far I love. If Josh and Ally keep this up, it has a very good chance of being my favorite Adventures in Odyssey blog. So far there are only two posts, but they have great variety between each one. Variety is a very good thing, though. Also, there is a small feature that I love. They have a list of their next topics they will be talking about on the side of the blog by the links and everything. Anyway, last night after my post announcing that Out of Control in Odyssey was out, they released a new, and very interesting article. It's titled "Sunday Morning Scramble School-Idolatry", and you can check it out on this link: http://odysseyoutofcontrol.blogspot.com/2012/07/sunday-morning-scramble-school-idolatry.html 
So,anyway, keep up the good work, guys. I'm looking forward to many more good posts.

Now, some Twists and Turns news, and some other miscellaneous Odyssey news. Josh from Out of Control in Odyssey somehow fund my site and commented on yesterday's post, so I would like to say thatmy site is not totally isolated! I was really excited, and somewhat shocked, that somebody outside of the Soda Shop Message Boards found my site. So that's good. Also, speaking of people knowing my site, David Hilder of the Adventures in Odyssey Update, my main source for Adventures in Odyssey news, used my piece of news about the return of AIO 24/7. He even mentioned that he got the news from my site and put a link up. He has every possible source for Odyssey news, so that he would even look at a site like mine, and give me credit for an article is astounding. Thank you, David. Also, Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast Episode #5 was recorded today, so unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be out tomorrow.  One more thing I just remembered, in an effort to add more link to The Imagination Station in response to Alex Jefferson's review of Twists and Turns last night, I stumbled upon some old sites. I then thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if somebody had a link page that carried all the defunct Odyssey fan sites so us fans could scroll through them?" So I embarked on that quest. If you scroll down to the bottom of The Imagination Station, you'll see a heading that says, "Defunct Sites". I only have four sites on it right now, but I will slowly add on. My goal is to have all the old Odyssey fan sites on my link page. So, the sites I added today are: The Ceiling Fan, The Unofficial Adventures in Odyssey Podcast, Out of Control in Odyssey, The Odyssey Way, Campbell County Connection, The Odyssey Muchacha, AIOHQ, and The Soda Fountain. Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                        ---The Old Judge

(P.S. I would like to welcome Suzylou from the Soda Shop Message Boards to TNT Insider!)

Well, hello again. I'm back, with some really big news. Probably two weeks before I started Twists and Turns, Adventures in Odyssey 24/7 shut down due to lack of finances. Well, I'm going to tell you a little story. HannahJ got on the Soda Shop Message Boards and started talking about how amazing Advemtures in Odyssey 24/7 is. I told her that it was shut down, and she said it wasn't. I asked if she could give me a link, and here it is. http://den-a.plr.liquidcompass.net/player/flash/audio_player.php?id=AIOIR&uid=622 .
It lives! So, that was probably my most important piece of news. I hope you like it.
Also, Just Another AIO Blog has just released his reviews of The Unofficial AIO Blog and my site. Alex Jefferson is a very good writer, and he's painfully honest. He kept track of points between the Unofficial and my site, and guess what?, I lost. He's brutally honest, but that's a good thing. I thank him for reviewing my website, and it truly was a good review. You can check the review out at http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/aio-article-twists-and-turns-unofficial.html . Speaking of Just Another AIO Blog, I designed a page for them on the AIOWiki. If you want to, you can check the page out at http://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/Just_Another_AIO_Blog

Also, on the Town of Odyssey Message Boards, I caught word of a new Adventures in Odyssey blog entitled, Out of Control in Odyssey. So far there's only one post, and I don't know if there will be any more, but in the meantime, you should check it out. The link is http://odysseyoutofcontrol.blogspot.com/

The Adventures in Odyssey team on Twitter posted two days ago about something that could be a new episode title for Album 56. If this is true, the episode will be called "Push the Red Button" and the sound will be done by Rob Jorgenson. This sounds like a Room of Consequence adventure.........I'm just joking. It sounds like an Imagination Station adventure, but aside from what I just said, nothing else is known about this episode.

Inspired by Alex Jefferson's review, I added three more actors to Odyssey Actors:Then and Now, and three more trivia facts to Trivia 101! I just wrote the Courtroom Case 006: "The Old Judge's Verdict On Odyssey's Changing Times". Also, I will not be on here from Monday to Friday. I know I said this before, but I will have no access to a computer or any other piece of technology all next week. So, I'm sorry. The good thing is, for you, I mean, is whenever I'm gone, really amazing news happens. Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns! 

Well, I'm here again, reporting what little news there is to be reported. I wasn't going to do a post today, because I like to have at least three little pieces of news or one big piece of news. Sadly, there was no big news, but all of a sudden I found a third little piece of news, so I went ahead and did this post.
First of all, I would like to say, since this blog was started, I have only written about one piece of news from the Odyssey Scoop. This wasn't any big official thing, but when I read it, I loved it. This was just a nice little article. Once again, there has been no official news in five days, and I've reported a lot of news. The fans seemed to step up to the plate this summer. Last summer the only thing that actually had any activity was the Scoop, and it was really slow activity. This summer, however, there has been a lot of news. One of the goals of "In Hot Pursuit" is to report news in other fan sites, and, I will say, I have done more of that than reporting official news. But, I'm rambling, so back to the news with the Odyssey Scoop. I'll just give a short summary, and you can read the rest on the Scoop. Apparently, four brothers went to the Get in the Show event the day before the Birthday Bash. Some of the actors were there, including Will Ryan, who, as everybody knows, is the voice of Eugene. One of the boys arranged the song "O-D-Y Double S-E-Y" from the Eugene Sings! album for barbershop quartet. They sang at the event, and you can read what happened on the Scoop. The Scoop also has a recording of it, and you can listen to it there. The link is http://odysseyscoop.com/blog/2012/07/02/eugene-sings-at-adventures-in-odyssey-birthday-bash/ .

The Unofficial AIO Blog is finally back in action with.......the interview with Paul McCusker! I read it, and it was very good. I always love hearing from Paul McCusker, especially him talking about the Passages series. You can check out the interview here: http://unofficialaioblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/interview-withpaul-mccusker.html .

Speaking of The Unofficial AIO Blog, it has a page on the AIOWiki. I tried my best, but it's not some excessively huge page. If you want to check it out, you can go to the link here: http://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/The_Unofficial_Adventures_in_Odyssey_Blog.

I know this came out two days ago, but some of you might not know, so I'll talk about it anyway. The Boredom Buster Podcast is becoming somewhat more than just a podcast, and that's a good thing. That's why, if you'll look to your left, the website has a different logo than the podcast. Anyway, part of the expansion was the wallpaper, and the other part was an Articles page. Well, it now has one article, entitled, "Keep Listening!: How God uses AIO. Well for me at least." He has said before that he's not a writer, but he did an excellent job on this article. He made a wonderful first impression, and I can't wait for more. The podcast is superb enough, but these articles are good, too. If you haven't read it and you want to, the link is http://boredombusterpodcast.weebly.com/1-keep-listening.html

Now, it's time for just some miscellaneous news. Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast Episode #5 is supposed to come out on Saturday, and Bren is editing the Whit's End Podcast Episode #74, so hopefully it will be coming out soon. A special episode of The Ceiling Fan Podcast was recorded Saturday, and Episode #46 of selfsame podcast is being worked on. Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                          ---The Old Judge

Okay, I'm am absolutely positively flabbergasted. That's the only way I can describe it. Lots and lots of news. And it all requires pictures.

Well, first of all, if you actually care about the "About the Author" column to your right you'll know that I'm an editor on the AIOWiki. Well, I did more than just editing. Twists and Turns and the Boredom Buster Podcast haves pages on it now! You can access the BBP's page here: http://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/The_Boredom_Buster_Podcast , and Twists and Turns' page here: http://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/Twists_and_Turns_(Website) .

Next, the Boredom Buster Podcast now has a Features page, but all they have as of now is a Wallpaper feature. They have Odyssey and BBP-themed wallpaper. If you want to check it out, the link is http://boredombusterpodcast.weebly.com/wallpaper.html

Thirdly, Alex Jefferson of Just Another AIO Blog has released his "Big Change". It is superb. There is a page for contests, which currently there are none, but what has most of us excited is his "Adventures in Connelsville" page. It's in a storybook format with a new "chapter" being released every week. Also, he hosted an interview with Wooton Bassett from the Unofficial AIO Blog.......and for some reason, me. I really don't understand. I've been part of the Adventures in Odyssey online community for less than a month. But I do appreciate the chance to do that, so thank you. If you want to check all these big changes out, go to the link, which just happens to be here: http://www.justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/ .

While we're talking about Alex Jefferson, he has started a new Adventures in Odyssey message board! I'm so excited, and I joined. The format is really amazing. It doesn't have a logo yet, but hey, it's only two days old. It's called the Exclusive AIO Forum, but anyone can join. We'd love to have you. If you want to join, or just to check it out, go to http://z13.invisionfree.com/Exclusive_AIO_Forum .

And finally, (Don't worry, this is the end. You can all go back to your normal lives after this and not have to read my rambling writing.) Abby and Mandie's Adventures in Odyssey Podcast Episode #4 is out! I was so excited. It had been quite a while since we had heard from them. I was beginning to think that they had stopped. But, no. Before I give you my opinions on this episode, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATLkcT_gLY8&feature=plcp . In this episode Abby interviews Zach Callison! It was awesome! Don't worry, there were different questions than in the BlogCast interview. Someone is a very popular boy. Now, I will say the sound quality was pretty poor, and for the first few questions I couldn't understand Zach at all. Abby said it was something with the recorder, I believe. Now, about half way through, I began to hear Zach, and then I enjoyed myself. I liked when he talked about him getting the scripts for the Green Ring Conspiracy and what he did, the cramming ten people into a six people studio and two little isolation chambers, and what happened when he met an actor whose name I cannot remember for the life of me. If you can wait until you hear Zach's voice, then you've made it to the good part and you'll really enjoy yourself. Keep up the good work, girls! I can't wait for Episode #5! 

Now, to wrap up, either tonight or tomorrow, I will be releasing The Courtroom Case 005:"The Old Judge's Verdict on if The Barclays Should Return". Now, I know this an extremely controversial topic, the same if not more than Penny and Wooton. After this I have only one more idea for the Courtroom, so please send some in. Otherwise, it won't stay open. I just updated my home page now, so if you want, you can go check that out. Also, I just thought this was cool. If you look under "Archives" to your right, there is now a "July 2012" and a  "June 2012". Don't get mad at me for pointing that out. Some of you are probably saying, "He's just wasting my time posting useless nonsense." I just take pleasure in the little things in life. Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                    ---The Old Judge

Well, The Courtroom Case 004: "The Old Judge's Verdict on Whit's Curiosities" is out. I know I said it would be out on Saturday, but hey, it's better to be released earlier than later, right? I hope you like it. It required more pictures than normal, but they were well-placed and had a purpose. In other news on the site, sometime next week I plan to update my Odyssey Actors: Then And Now feature.

Finally, after waiting, and waiting, and waiting, Fodo14 finally released BBP Episode #7: Interview with David Griffin, Part 3!!!
The summary for the episode is, "Our third part of our interview with David Griffin, voice of Jimmy Barclay. He talks about Jimmy getting married, and acting on the show!" I listened to it, and each part of this interview keeps getting better and better. Thank you to Fodo14, by the way, for mentioning my site on his podcast.  Anyway, the final part of the interview is supposed to be released on the fourth, according to Fodo14.  If you haven't listened to the episode yet, download it now. It's amazing!

Well, I said I would give you my opinions on The Official Podcast #150 and The Adventures in Odyssey BlogCast #37. Well, the Official. I loved the whole protest format. Brock Eastman playing darts with Maureen's face as a dartboard and other comments like Townsend disguised as a protester to take down the "criminal organization and its leader", or the actor who plays Mrs. Kramer having her voicemail say, "...You like me. You really like me!" had me laughing and grinning from ear to ear. Then the BlogCast. Remember, this is the first episode of it I've ever listened to, and I loved it. I liked the interview with Zach Callison. I thought it was interesting that he was from Saint Louis. Most child actors lived in California instead of moving halfway across the country to pursue their acting dreams. Austin and Tasha did a good job. They had good sound quality, and they were very organized in how they did their podcast. Everything was very official and organized. I could tell they've done it before. Now there was something in there you might have missed. Zach referenced twice about an Album 56 episode. He said he couldn't say anything about it, but he said more than he thought. He said it was the episode he acted in that effected him the most, and that it made him think. He said when people hear it, they'll know what episode it is, and that we'll all like it, too. And finally he said that it was "all about church and family". So now we know what another Album 56 episode will be about. Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                   ---The Old Judge

Do you realize it's been three days since I last posted? No, I didn't forget about this. How could I? There has been no news the last three days, and I've been desperately scrounging around for Odyssey news, but there has been no news. Seriously, at all.

Well, yesterday, HannahJ, a fellow Soda Shopper and TNT Regular, asked me, "When are you going to do another post?" I thought, "Wow! People actually still read this!" So I decided to do a post today. There was a little bit of news then that I will impart to you now.

Though most of you reading this,(if there are any), are Soda Shoppers, I thought I'd say this anyway. After much persuasion by the moderators, the administrators added a "Church" to the Soda Shop. It will be used to discuss religious topics, such as prayer requests, praises, activities at the members' various churches, and the member's various religious denominations. But, the administrators did more than that. Because we had begun to accumulate a LOT of topics, and there were only six forums, the administrators added "Fan Podcasts" and "Fan Blogs and Websites" as subforums to "Sites Around Town" to reduce clutter.

That was going to be all my news. I had stopped hoping for news. Well, when I finally stop stressing over something, it usually happens. In this case,that's a good thing, because now there's more Odyssey news.

Well, last night the Avery Awards on the Official Podcast were released, but that's not the only big news about this episode. On their last episode, I mentioned that this one would be very important. Do you remember back that far? I said, "Their next episode will be 150." Yes, the Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast has hit 150 episodes. The summary is, "Hot on the heels of the historic 25th Anniverary Odyssey Live Show in Dallas, Jesse decides to broadcast a LIVE Avery Awards broadcast for Album 55. But all is not well when they arrive a protest of Adventures in Odyssey. Thank you to everyone who voted!" That sounds very interesting. You can download the episode either on their site, or on iTunes. Now I will listen to it, but it might be in the next couple of days. I'll give you my opinions on it in a future post.

Adventures in Odyssey Blogcast Episode #37 is out. You know, these guys have done a very good job of releasing podcasts on a regular schedule. Now, I will listen to this episode. This will be the first one I have listened to, and I am really excited. Actually, I can hardly wait to hear it. Because in this episode, they interview Zach Callison, voice of Matthew Parker! The Blogcast did good on this, because beside the Official Podcast, podcasts, as far as I know, do not interview the child actors. The summary of the episode is, "In our season finale, we interview Zach Callison, the talented young man who plays Matthew Parker! During our conversation, he answers questions about how he got started in acting, performing at the live show, Album 56, & more!" You can either download this episode off of their website or iTunes. This is their season finale, and honestly I don't really know how their going to do that. This is Season 5 of the Blogcast, and from the finale of Season 4 to the premiere of Season 5, there was about a month's hiatus. In my opinion, this hiatus will probably be longer, but who knows. Like the Official Podcast, I will give you my opinions on this in a future post.

Now, it's time to wrap up my post, so I'll give you some Twists and Turns news and some miscellaneous tidbits. Just Another AIO Blog is releasing its "Big Change" on Sunday, and also an interview. Nobody knows what the "Big Change" is, but I know who's doing the interview. You want to know? If so, you can find out on Sunday. I'm not going to blow the secret. I will be releasing The Courtroom Case 004: "The Old Judge's Verdict on Whit's Curiosities" on Sunday, hopefully. Besides that, we're back to no news. Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                     ---The Old Judge