Okay, well, I'm back, but I think you all have left. Let's see if we can get this going again.

Hello, folks! Quite a bit has been going on in the Odyssey fan community, but considering it's been two weeks, it's not the busiest it's ever been. Let's start with.....
The Boredom Buster Podcast's Episode 9 is out! Oh, hallelujah! Of all amazing phenomena! It came out! It really did! Just a little bit of information, the BBP has been on an EXTREMELY extended hiatus since June 23, but it's back! The summary for this episode is, "Finally! Season 2 is out, and we review Family Vacation, The Day Independence Came, and Stormy Weather."

This episode also features, a guest star!!! In the words of Irwin Springer, (Once you hear the episode you'll get it.) "OH, WOW!!! OH, WOW!!!" Also, if you listen closely, Hallie says things that are quite hilarious that only Hallie would say. Here are my two favorites from today's episode:

Hallie: ...And she was over here, and Noah was like, 'Oh, I gotta do a podcast today. They're gonna roast my heart on a spit.'....

Hallie: ...Listen to us online at PBS Kids.org!...

So, this is an amazing episode. However, I've talked to Noah and it will be quite a while before BBP 10 comes out. So, we'll just have to stay on his back about it. You can listen to the episode at http://boredombusterpodcast.weebly.com/podcast.html .

Austin and Tasha Peachey have been quite busy lately with the Adventures in Odyssey BlogCast. They have released two new episodes: #38 and #39. In #38, the season premiere, they give their predictions for Album 56. I have already listened to this one, so I will say, they have a very sad announcement. They will no longer continue the BlogCast. This is its last season. BUT, they plan to make it the best season ever, so that is good. Also, in #39, they interview Blimey Cow, which according to what I have heard, is a YouTube channel which makes a comedy series known as "Messy Mondays", and are also Adventures in Odyssey fans. Here are the summaries for the two episodes:

"We're back with Season 6 of the Adventures in Odyssey Blogcast! And with a brand new Odyssey season coming up, it's time for our pre-season podcast!"

"We've got a really fun interview for you guys! We interviewed Jordan, Josh, and Kelli Taylor, the people behind the Blimey Cow YouTube channel! During our conversation, we ask them about their Odyssey fandom, including their favorite episodes and characters. Also, they tell us about the origin, and the making of their Christian comedy videos, Messy Mondays. Big Head Kid even pops in to say hello!"

So, you can check that out at http://aio-blog.blogspot.com/ .

In other news, Official Podcast 156 is out, with no Get in the Show news! *Crowd Gasps In Shock* This time Bob and Jesse chat with Christopher Maselli (the author) and Dennis Edwards (the illustrator), the creators of the new Captain Absolutely comics in Clubhouse magazine!

This is amazing. I have always loved Captain Absolutely, and I really wished they could have used him more in the Odyssey audio dramas. Hopefully he will continue to make cameo appearances in the show, but until then, we have his whole line of comics to chronicle his adventures! I am a massive comics fan, so this combines to of my favorite mediums, cartoons and Odyssey. You can listen to the podcast at their website, or read the first comic, which you can find at this link: http://media.focusonthefamily.com/aio/pdfs/Captain-Absolutely-Episode-1.pdf .

I know this is older news, but the summary of Whit's End Mealtime Moments devotional book has been released. Here it is:

"Your family's gathered around the table. What's on the menu? Cold stares? Stale prayers? The same old leftover questions about "what happened at school today?" Next time you sit down to eat, enjoy some spiritual food, too! Get everyone talking-and learning-with the nourishment of Whit's End Mealtime Moments! Encourage quality family time and pass on a strong spiritual heritage with these 164 devotions created to engage children in fun, lively, productive dialogue."

Episode 47 of the Ceiling Fan Podcast, titled "Permission: Impossible",  has been released. Josh Taylor of Blimey Cow guest stars in this episode, as well. No summary has been released, except for "Go on a mission with Phil and Bernie." You can check that out at http://www.ceilingfanpodcast.com/ .

Alex Jefferson of Just Another AIO Blog has released a "Top 5 Best Saga Episodes" list, as well as a Pound Foolish Wisdom on Liz, and an article on Joanne. You can check out all these things, and more at http://justanotheraioblog.blogspot.com/ .

A new site, The Odyssey Gallery, has sprung up. (I absolutely love the logo, by the way.) This focuses on Adventures in Odyssey and art. Just when I thought all of the original ideas were used up, someone comes out with an even more original. Currently, it is off to a really great start, so hopefully he can keep it up. The link is http://odysseyfanartgallery.blogspot.com/ .

Josh and Ally have released two news posts on Out of Control in Odyssey. One is a Sunday Morning Scramble School, and another is on the Golden Age of Odyssey. You can check both of those out at http://odysseyoutofcontrol.blogspot.com/ .

One more thing before I go. Though I am not a crafty person, I found a site by a really crafty person that some fo you might like. Here is the link: http://lynnisebowman.blogspot.com/ . Tell me what you think of this site in the comments below.

Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns!
                                                                                                                    ---The Old Judge

Austin Peachey
9/23/2012 09:34:36 am

Huzzah! I can't tell you how much I visited this blog to see if you had written a new blog post.

T.S. (myself)
9/23/2012 10:24:03 pm

Thank you for the post, Old Judge! I will take a look at the new website.

9/24/2012 05:45:49 pm

Yay, finally! Oh, and I'm pretty sure that the contributor for the Odyssey Gallery, MIchael Wilmot, used to do Adventures in Odyssey Art Time for Brock's former blog on Blogger.

Pound Foolish, himself
9/29/2012 11:35:26 am

It's taken a while for me to comment. I meant to comment when I first read it, but I didn't even finish it at first because I was all "OMG, a new AIO blog! Too cool!" And clicked on it right away. It's pretty awesome, and, most importantly, original. There's just not room for anymore AIO blogs that report the same AIO news over and over. Which is why I love Odyssey Thoughts, The Changing Times, and other such original AIO blogs that don't focus on that. And now, The Odyssey Gallery is on that list. I love it, I'm an art enthusiast.
I was very impatient for this post, The Old Judge. I was on the brink of telling you "I have a new post, a review of Happy Hunting, and I won't put it on until YOU make a new post!" But we ended up posting practically simultaneously! So, happily, it didn't come to such blackmail. And I must concur with TS, I checked on here over and over, hoping to see something new. And now... YES!


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