Hello, again everybody. I was going to post this last night, but I ran out of time. So yesterday was the first day I didn't post something on here. So now I'm making up for it. There's not much Odyssey news out there, so this is fan site news.

First of all, I said The Courtroom would be out on Saturday with my opinions of Penny and Wooton getting married. That's still going to happen on Saturday, but I started The Courtroom a little early. Check it out. Also, I still need more topics to talk about in The Courtroom, because I have like four. So send in some topics, via The Soda Shop or The Town of Odyssey. It's a topic called "Court's In Session!", just like this post. Remember I'll talk about ANYTHING Odyssey, no matter how outlandish.

Secondly, there's a new article on the Odyssey Scoop titled, "Live at the 25: One AIO fan shares his adventure at Adventures in Odyssey's 25th Birthday Bash in June 2012." It is written by Garrett Vandenburg, who is a host on The Odyssey ScoopCast and The Ceiling Fan. He reviews everything that happened that day to him, and he does a good job at pointing out detail that you might not otherwise hear from anybody else reviewing The Birthday Bash. The Odyssey Scoop has a rich history and impressive collection of amazing and well-written articles, and this article keeps up the tradition.

Finally, on June 30th, Kevin McCreary, Mark Jones, Loren Crisp, and Garrett Vandenburg are going to record an episode of The Ceiling Fan, all in the same room. Apparently, this has never before happened in Ceiling Fan history. Though I don't listen to it, I know there are a lot of Ceiling Fan fans out there, so I thought they might like this. Also, this is their first episode since April 7, 2012, so people are beginning to get excited.

Well, that's all for now, so stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy Twists and Turns! ---The Old Judge

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